Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite Reduction Cream

Cellulite Reduction- But what is cellulite?

Cellulite.! Put simply it is the gradual build up of fat which gives a dimpled appearance of the skin around your buttocks and thighs,although everyone has cellulite it seems to affect more women than men. As women age the cellulite tends to increase and you start to get an orange peel effect to the skin,This is not smooth but has a dimpled appearance this is because of the uneven fat distribution below the skin layer.

Cellulite Reduction- But why does cellulite form?

Cellulite is a problem of displacement of fat below the skin. As we age, the dermal layer loses collagen and strength. As the dermal layer loses collagen, a shift takes place in the way the fat is placed below the skin. This uneven fat causes the dimples. If you believe that getting liposuction treatment will help you in your coarse, please drop that thought and don't do it.  
Although you may want to face the pain,discomfort,bruising and of course the costly price tag, the fat distribution cannot be reversed Cellulite is something like wrinkles on the face. 
As we age, the collagen's in our skin start to break down and we slowly get wrinkles, Cellulite is similar! The only difference is that wrinkles can be treated quite easily, while cellulite treatments may work a little differently.  Why more women get Cellulite than men is another question that will be answered below.

Cellulite Reduction - Can cellulite be prevented?

You can get Cellulite Reduction but it can't be prevented even the fittest of bodies can get Cellulite, there is no difference in the Cellulite fat in your body to an athletes body fat. The difference lies in the way the fat is laid out below the skin,this is what causes the dimples on the skins surface. Cellulite does not depend on a overweight person, even a underweight person can get it. Cellulite depends on genetics, hormones and aging. Men rarely get it.

Cellulite Reduction - What is the treatment? 

Although experts say there is no cure or no easy treatment for cellulite, they do say if you were to apply an anti cellulite creams which contain both caffeine and retinol as active ingredients would give see you the best results in cellulite reduction. They also say that if you wear bio ceramic coated neoprene shorts for 1 hour,this will help retain body heat and open the pores of the skin which helps the skin absorb more of the creams active ingredients.  
Click Here to view Cellulite Cream offers

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article. 

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